Welcome to the International Cultural Exchange Center After School Program. I would like to provide information about our program and explain why it is such a special, family-centered place for learning and playing. In addition to being an experienced Abacus math and Chinese language educator, I am foremost a mother of two boys. I understand and live the same struggles that parents with school age children go through on a day to day basis. I understand the high expectations parents have for a well-balanced, enjoyable, and safe after school program.
Secure pick-up logistics and school safety are of the utmost importance to ICEC. Our team is always in pursuit of the best interests of our children. Our teachers are particularly concerned with parents' feedback and specific instructions for each of our individual students. The spirit and caring we practice daily can be witnessed throughout our learning center and among our loving teachers.
ICEC is an outstanding place to engage in multi-directional learning. Our balanced academic program focuses on unyielding homework preparation guidance and a daily evaluation process. Furthermore, ICEC's creative enrichment program provides a one of a kind extra-curricular learning experience. ICEC's program strives to install lifelong learning skills and creativity in our children.
ICEC teachers all have lots of teaching experience, they are specialists in Math, English, Music, Art, Science and Social Behaviors. We use California School Standards as our teaching guideline. We provide a learning program based on constructive expectations for all of our children.
ICEC will bring smiles to your family. The children are enthusiastic, fully engaged with our staff and love to learn. Your child will come home with stories about the exciting things they've experienced and learned each and every day. My hope is that you will also feel this ICEC spirit every time you enter our school campus.